The Prophet said,
“It will be said to the person who memorized Quran, Read, ascend, recite with slow, rhythmic chanting just as you used to recite in the worldly life. For verily your position in paradise will be at the place of the last verse that you recite,” (Abu Daawood and At Tirmidhi).
What Maktab Offers: Daily Quran learning taught by Experienced and Qualified teachers. The smaller levels have qualified assistants in addition to main Quran Teachers, to help students with new lesson.
Tajweed, Tarteel and other essential rules based on student’s current level of understanding.
The First half of the Daily Maktab class time(45 mts), is spent for Quran learning. The Second half is spent on Islamic Subjects(45 mts). Therefore Quran is taught everyday.
For those children who need to start form Basic and learn the letters, words. Emphasis on proper pronunciation(Makharij).
For those who know the letters or can read Quran, but want to improve on their Quran recitation. At every level teachers set goals for reading improvement.
Review and learning by heart the Surahs of Quran. Milestones based curriculum is now implemented to make sure certain minimum no of Surahs are memorized at each level.

Improving Quran recitation is a long arduous task which takes much tact, effort and dua. However the reward is indeed very great in the sight of Allah Ta’ala.