Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oon, To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return
Muslim Center of Middlesex County provides funeral and burial services according to the Islamic laws and practices. Biidnillah, Center tries it’s best to make this process peaceful and less stressful to the family.
Please note that MCMC treats this as a community service and charges no fee for the funeral service however the family of the deceased is responsible for funeral home and burial (grave, opening/closing etc.) charges.
Contact Information

In case of death in the family, please contact Imam or any designated person as soon as possible. They will provide all the relevant information to you.
- Br. Afzal Saeed “State Certified Licensed Muslim Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. # 5193” : 732-991-5896 (24 hours)
- Br. Ijaz Mirza: 908-380-6304 (Cell)
- Sh. Raouf Zaman: 732-447-4929 (Cell)
- MCMC Administrator: (732)-463-2004 x102
Cemetery Information
Marlboro Muslim Memorial (MMM)
Marlboro Township, NJ 07751
Jersey State Memorial Park (JSMP) - Also known as Makbarat As-Salaam or Route-33 Cemetery
Phone: 732-778-7249
Directions: JSMPDirections
Download JSMP Rules & Regulations Guide
Volunteer Opportunities:
Please reach out to MCMC at if you are interested in volunteering for funeral activities (i.e. visiting the hospital, funeral arrangements, washing the body, accompanying the deceased to the cemetery, etc.)
Miscellaneous Items:
- Janazah workshop on February 18th, 2017: - Janazah workshop on November 6th, 2015: - Janazah workshop presentation (PowerPoint) by Sh. Raouf on November 6th, 2015:
JanazahWorkshop06Nov2015 - 16 Things when someone is dying